Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 24, 2006

our 'Mudik' plan

Yipee..we bought our flight ticket for 'mudik' after mommy's leave has been approved. We're going back to Indonesia for 2 weeks eventhough Mommy needs to work in Jakarta's office for 2 days.
We always try to go back home during Hari Raya/Lebaran so we can spend time with entire family, asking forgiveness from both parents and thankful for the day. We didn't go home during Lebaran holiday 2 yrs back when we were in OZ. It's different..eventhough we spent time with our Indonesian friends.
So this will be Arya's first journey. He needs to pay $78..urghhhh..10% of adult ticket price ($140) plus tax. O well..=) We'll fly using Lufthansa. Mommy refused to take budget airlines because she's afraid that air pressure will be higher in smaller plane - she hasn't done lots of research..
We're quite excited abt this. Arya will meet Ari's family, his uyut in Bandung, his peers - Ayla and Bio for the first time. and mommy will do shopping for Arya's's cheaper!!
Mommy is a bit nervous with the journey itself, jakarta weather and the most, mosquitoes. In our apt, the management spray the anti-mosquitoes quite often, i guess once a week. So it's mosquitoes free. We had a bad and good experience during Lebaran holiday last year. the good is that we found out that we're expecting arya 3 days before Lebaran. the bad is that mommy got dengue fever!! uh..and we're not sure where the mosquitoes bit mommy. Jakarta weather also is another problem. Arya can't stand the heat, he'll have red rash in his face and neck if he's sweating. So far, we always open our window and turn on AC if it's too hot.
O well mommy needs to search preparation for flying with infants, buy mosquitoes wipe and mentally prepared for baby care advice which differ from our own, if any!!
Home Sweet Home!!!


Unknown said...

Waaa...seru bgt Arya bakalan naek pesawat for the first time. Browsing and email sehat group aja tanya pengalaman Moms yg udah pernah bawa babynya naek pesawat. Becareful dengan stroller... karna byk yg sharing strollernya rusak pas naek pesawat. Your Aprica stroller kan mahal...mungkin beli yg cheaper just for travelling? Yg pasti bawa gendongan bayi..lbh praktis biar tangan bebas pas di airport. Trus nanti pas take off sumpel telinga arya dan nyusuin biar dia gak rewel... dan minta sambungan seatbelt buat eloe dan Arya. Asyik...asyik...bisa ketemu Arya...!!!

-lia said...

gue takut aja pas lagi nyusu trus dia tiba2 nglepasin putingnya. Arya kan suka maen maen ama puting niy..
tau nggak sih Arya kan gede, strollernya hampir kekecilan gitu sih. Ari udh komentar mulu kenapa dulu nggak beli quinny. mana kita tau babynya gede..

eChie said...

Li, dulu gw bawa Adam pulang ke Indo pas 4 bulan, ok koq, yg penting disusuin aja, usahain jangan dikasih susu sebelumnya, jadi pas take off dia mau, kalo lepas2 sih gpp, biasa.
Pas landing juga usahain dia nyusu.
Kalau gw nggak pernah pake penutup telinga, banyak yg bilang nggak perlu.
Kalo nangis juga malah gpp, mulutnya kebuka jadi tahan sama tekanan udara.
Gw nggak pernah bawa stroller, soalnya gw pulangnya ke Bogor-Ciamis, nggak guna, soalnya nggak stroller friendly di Indonesia.

Unknown said...

Hehehe...stroller aprica emang sizenya kecil. Bikinan Jepang kali ya...kalau Quinny kan buatan Belanda. Tp Aprica kan katanya bisa ampe umur 4 thn bukan? Keliatan kecil karna masih di posisi-in telentang kali. Nanti kalau udah 4 bulan kan bisa di naekin jadi posisi duduk...
Btw gue masih obsess dengan Quinny...mau beli kalau Bio udah 6bln. Echie bener...JKT gak stroller friendly..kecuali di Mall. Di JKT gendongan bayi lbh useful... gendongan bayi Chicco yg baru oke tuh..di Lucky Bbay shop 550rb..pdhal di outlet resmi Chicco 700rban...

anakku said...

Hai Bu Lia, boleh saya minta alamat emailnya, ada yang mau saya tanyakan mengenai Stroller merk Aprica.

Terima kasih,

anakku said...

Bu Lia, jika tidak keberatan bisakah saya minta testimonial mengenai pengalaman menggunakan Stroller Aprica? kelebihan atau kekurangannya. Ini untuk kebutuhan artikel di majalah tempat saya bekerja. Bisa dikirim ke email saya di, Terima kasih, Vanda